Fact Check

According to the EPA, 11.3 out of 17 tons of textile ended up in landfills in 2018. The documentary The True Cost reported that the average American generates 82 pounds of textile waste each year.

In a circular economy, materials and products continue to cycle through going from one owner to the next. They are either recycled, or resold, giving the materials and products a second — and hopefully infinite — life span.

Circular Economy: Defined

Circular Economy in the Fashion Industry

Designers need to think about whether or  not the materials they are using are environmentally friendly and whether the  item has a second lifespan.

3 Things To Keep In Mind when Designing

1. Design with longevity 2. Design for recyclability 3. Source and produce with efficiency

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation stated that every second, the equivalent of one garbage truck of textiles is landfilled or burned. The current linear economy model needs to change.

A Need for Change

Vintage Shopping

Arguably, one benefit that came from the pandemic was the vintage craze. Now there is a new appreciation for vintage clothing and thrifting has become trendy.

Rebag's Role in  Circular Fashion

Rebag purchases your once-loved handbags, accessories, fine jewelry, and watches, and gives your luxury item a second life!

1.Sell your once-loved items 2. Purchase used items 3.Think quality over quantity

Ways to Help